tirsdag 13. januar 2009

What do i want to be in this life?

Its a big question for me. I have no clue what i want to be in my life. i feel  stucked.

My parents know what they want me to be, but i dont know. I am working at the moment, dont get so much money, but i try, i really do. but almost all my friends are working with their education, and here i am, the working lady with no finnish education.. So i use everyday to think. I am trying to figure out what i can do, because the job life its not me right now, i think i feel like this because i know i dont have any education..

I kinda have one little idea in my head, its to finish my education, and maybe move to another country and study, or something else, i dont know. I have to much in my brain atm. I really hate that we have to choose something we want to study when we are 15-16 years old, i went with my friends, almost didnt choose myself.. A little of me wanted to work with children, but i dont know if its that i want to do now. And then i still went after my friends, and the last year at school i got really bad grades. Then i desided to take a free year, i went to school, but its not like a normal school with grades.. It was a funny year, best year ever. Will never forget it.

And now i live in Trondheim working. I like it at work, love the ppl, but i hate that i dont get so much money.. So i am trying to figure things out.

Maybe i move to USA wich has popped up in my mind (not all by myself but that is another story)

I wonder can you hide toughts? That would be great..

And how do i handle my parents? They understand sometimes, but not always.

Friends, yeah i know i have friends. And some pretty good friends to. <3

So whats wrong with me? I suppose its nothing wrong. But it feels like that sometimes.. I suck in school..

Some day maybe i know.. Where i am in my life.. but i want to know. I want an education, i want a man, i want children, and a little dog. A big house :D Thats my dream, and i want to try to make it happen :)

søndag 11. januar 2009

Work tomorrow

Well, then its time for me to start working again.. Gonna be good to get outside the house and meet other ppl again XD hehe.. i do meet ppl, but i dont have so manny friends here.. But i guess i get more after a while:)

I want go skiing:D Gonna travel to Grong where i went to school.. Best year ever. And i LOVE snow <3<3>

well, now i have to start and write english, because somebody want be to write blog now (lance, yeah i am talking to you :P).. so i figured out, ok.. i do it.. Well, christmas was fun.. getting drunk at home with my friends there and my brothers.. But it was good to come home to trondheim again:) me love this place :)

I really dont have so much to say, so i just write crap all the way. Kathy is the most wonderful person ever.. she is like my best friend Stine Marie:D they are awesome..

And now, ehm, i am drunk, and i am tired.. so i think i maybe have to sleep.. havent sleept yet.. not good.. :/ well.. this is all form me today..

lance, it will come more, maybe pictures too;) so you can enjoy it;) hehe:P And pervie, its all to you too. so dont feel forgotten;)

bye for now..

A sleepy Anto -.-