søndag 11. januar 2009

well, now i have to start and write english, because somebody want be to write blog now (lance, yeah i am talking to you :P).. so i figured out, ok.. i do it.. Well, christmas was fun.. getting drunk at home with my friends there and my brothers.. But it was good to come home to trondheim again:) me love this place :)

I really dont have so much to say, so i just write crap all the way. Kathy is the most wonderful person ever.. she is like my best friend Stine Marie:D they are awesome..

And now, ehm, i am drunk, and i am tired.. so i think i maybe have to sleep.. havent sleept yet.. not good.. :/ well.. this is all form me today..

lance, it will come more, maybe pictures too;) so you can enjoy it;) hehe:P And pervie, its all to you too. so dont feel forgotten;)

bye for now..

A sleepy Anto -.-

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